venerdì 22 maggio 2020

What's the weather like?

Good morning, children! 
Last time we studied the days of the week and soon I will ask you to repeat them, to see if you have learnt them by heart.
Today, we will review the weather. 
When we are at school, I always ask you: 
What's the weather like, today?
Let's have a look at the various answers:
Today it's sunny and warm (this is today's answer)
(solo la prima scheda, naturalmente)

If you like this web site, why not have a look and try other activities about the weather or even about other topics? 
You can find every topic you like, here. There are lots of nice games, songs, videos and exercises!
Have fun! 
Today, though, review the days of the week; 
tomorrow start on the weather!
See you next week!
Mrs Grey

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