lunedì 25 maggio 2020

Some practice

Carta da Parati British Union Jack bandiera sulla vecchia carta ...
Good morning children. I hope you had a nice weekend. Are you ready to practice some English?
I have prepared a reading comprehension and a listening exercise for you.


 (not given= non presente nel testo)


Obviously I would like you to write and speak a little, too!
So, on your exercise book, write the date and the weather, then create a monster, just like one of those in the listening exercise and describe it.
In fact, I have a better idea: make two monters: a boy and a girl, with names and age; describe them and talk about them (what they do in their lives, what they like, what they can and cannot do etc.)
You will talk about them during our next video lesson. 
How does this sound to you?
That's all, folks!
(For the moment)
See you soon!
Mrs Grey

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