venerdì 27 marzo 2020


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Hello children! How are you today? I hope you're all fine and healthy!
I'm fine, thanks.
Are you ready for our English lesson? 


Before we start:
I have a nice surprise for you: it's a beautiful video! 
Pause this audio and 
click here👉SURPRISE
Did you like it? 
I hope so! 
I'm sure of it!

Now: if you want some musical background to work on, click here 👉 SPRING MUSIC (sottofondo musicale)

  1. Open your English exercise book and write the date and the weather (today it's Friday 27th March and it's cloudy; tomorrow it will be Saturday 28th March and it will be cloudy; domenica: Sunday 29th March - it's rainy; lunedì: Monday 30th March- it's rainy; martedì: Tuesday 31st March - it's cloudy
  2. Write a nice title: SPRING IS HERE! ( magari in grassetto e variopinto)
  3. Then listen and repeat; listen and point ( you can pause the audio at any time)
  4. Draw the pictures and write the words on your English exercise book:

    fold the page into two parts, trace a line with your pencil, as we usually do, then draw the symbols on the left (a sinistra) and write the words on the right (a destra), as usual.
words relating to spring -
Spring Flashcards

(ladybird = Inglese britannico; ladybug = Inglese americano; lady = signora; bird= uccellino; bug= insetto )

5. Finally colour your pictures.

6.  Now you can play with your parents or brothers or sisters. You can play bingo, you can play hangman, using the spelling, or you can play sharades. 
I will see you soon, I hope!
In the mean time, go back to work!
Bye bye, children!

P.S.: perché showers ha la "s" finale? scrivete la vostra risposta sotto forma di commento.

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